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Our Products- Fertilizer

Seaweed Extract

Seaweed extract fertilizer, seaweed extract liquid fertilizer, seaweed extract fertilizer suppliers, liquid seaweed extract fertilizer, seaweed liquid extract Seaweed extract is used as liquid organic bio fertilizer because of it’s organic micro nutrient, NPK and Natural Growth Hormones content such as Cytokine’s, Alginic Acid, Mannitol, Gibberellins. Seaweed is used as Plant Growth Promoter for all Kinds of Plants.

Seaweed extract is 100% natural, water-soluble, liquid organic bio fertilizer containing micro and macro nutrients, formulated from soluble brown Seaweed extract derived from vegetable kelp Seaweed. Seaweed contains a sufficient amount of oceanic bio-active matter such as Phycocolloid, Mannitol, Oligose, Polyphenol, Trehalase, Cytokinin, Betaine, Lignin etc which are essential for improving germination, root development, leaf quality, general plant vigor and resistance to pathogens.

Saosis Seaweed extract also benefits in flower set and fruit production. High quality of fruit have been recorded for many of both herbaceous and woody crop species. Increases in fresh and dry mass was recorded for tomatoes grown in jiffy pots presaged with both water and alkaline extracts of Kelp. Seaweed has been shown to improve the leaf content of micronutrients, promote growth, and impart resistance to drought stress in grapes. The key point is that there is an increased economic benefit.

Nutritional facts:

  • Nitrogen(N) + Phosphorus (P2O5) + Potassium(K2O) > 3%
  • Calcium(Ca) + Magnesium(Mg) + Zinc(Zn) > 0.9 %
  • Amino acids + Fulvic acid + Humic acid > 1.88%
  • Aluminum(AI) + Boron(B) + Cobalt(Co) < 300 ppm
  • Sulphur (S) + Iron (Fe) + Sodium(Na) > 1%
  • Iodine(I) + Manganese(Mn): 500 – 800 ppm
  • Cytokinins + Alginic Acid + Mannitol + Gibberellins> 0.5 %

Here is a look at the major benefits of using Seaweed Extract:

  • Being rich in bio-activators (the ingredients for healthy decomposition) Seaweed is great for compost piles as it assists in speeding up the decay of other organic matter.
  • Seaweed contains large traces of potassium and natural hormones making it a hearty fertilizer that strengthens roots and a plant’s overall system.
  • It lowers vulnerabilities against diseases.
  • Its smell repels many unwanted pests and insects though it unfortunately also makes earthworms temporarily run for the hills, which is noteworthy because worms are important contributors to soil composition. However, they don’t disperse for long and in the end the benefits of applying fresh seaweed out way this temporary situation.
  • As mulch Saosis seaweed stops weeds dead in their tracks and keeps soil moist.
  • Because SAOSIS seaweed comes from the ocean it doesn’t introduce unwanted seeds to the new environment like other mulches may.
  • Improves the uptake of nutrients (CEC)
  • Improves root structure and development
  • Boosts seed germination
  • Reduces fertilizer runoff
  • Increases yields
  • Prevents disease and heat stress
  • Promotes healthier crops